Перевод: weathered
[прилагательное] подвергшийся атмосферным влияниям; выветрившийся; имеющий сток для дождевой воды
- If it can be weathered without undue damage, interest rates should fall sharply in the latter half of next year.
- The interior decoration and furnishing of the King's bedroom was of weathered sycamore, with brass-finished copper metalwork, and copper and silver electric light fittings.
- FTIR and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy are being used in archaeology as a valuable complement to elemental analysis in the search to determine the provenance of raw materials, the place and date of manufacture, and how they have weathered over the centuries.
- Stones and earth (weathered rocks) slowly slip down the slopes, by soil creep , into the channels.
- Cheque book journalism has been pointed at Madge but luckily she's weathered the storm or else," Dame Edna paused dramatically, "she'd be back on the streets."
- Sometimes in the wind and cold of the ice fields, a meteorite hunter (who is never allowed to touch a specimen by hand or glove) may misidentify a weathered specimen and ship a terrestrial "trash rock" to Houston.
- Certain it is, in stormy weather, from any point of the compass you will have a blow on Stormy Hill, and it does further seem as if it were tenanted by those who in the voyage of life have weathered storms quite as real, - long sickness, pinching poverty, and mayhap, in some cases, that very terrible malady when it becomes chronic, a disinclination to regular work; and their present lot is one of storms, - few comforts and short allowance even of the needs of life within doors, and the wintry blasts without; and failing health and increasing age give small prospect of much more of the sunshine or fewer of the blasts on this side of the dark River Jordan.
- Jon-Tex High Build (in nine colours) is a ready-mixed, water-based paint, which gives even badly weathered masonry a heavy-duty finish in one coat.
- Soil creep is still moving the weathered rocks down the slopes but it is not often that the changing river channel is directly below a slope to remove this rock debris.
- Fig. 1.5 (overleaf) Weathered bone: exposed for 29 months.
- Steetley Roofing Products has launched the Ashurst tile, an authentic clay roof tile that creates an instant weathered look.
- In this case the shell material is a little more resistant than the enclosing limestone, and the specimen has been weathered out of the rock in good condition.
- This massive coral has weathered out of limestone because the material of the coral is slightly harder than the enclosing matrix.
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