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Перевод: whimsicality speek whimsicality

причуды ; капризы ; прихотливость


  1. The nurse trope, I admit, shares America's power to open human doors the further side of whimsicality, but that is because the suicide letter has only one foot in the completely flat uncomic abstract world of negation talk.
  2. We had received the full blast of his whimsicality the minute we arrived at the ancient wood-frame rectory, modernised in 1812 (according to the brochure) by the great-grandson of Sir Christopher Wren.
  3. It had a breathless untidiness, with an underlying stratum of solid good things: expensive carpets and curtains in dark plain colours, antique furniture ranging from valuable to junk, but having in common a charm or whimsicality that had made each piece claim her attention originally.
  4. I am subject to whimsicality in these matters.

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