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Перевод: wholeness

цельность ; целость


  1. He prized too highly the Judaic emphasis of the wholeness of man's nature - oneness - his enjoyment of the gift of sexuality; and he criticised - at least e silencio - the false views that dichotomised and castrated man.
  2. These inward struggles for wholeness as a person lie at the heart of what it means to be a Christian.
  3. Gentleness is a major feature of spiritual growth and wholeness, and we should therefore cultivate it seriously.
  4. The National Marriage Guidance Council book Alone Again sees pleasing yourself as an essential part of building up wholeness.
  5. The justification of the partnership approach is that it encourages the notions of quality and excellence, whilst providing a framework within which a wide range of activities can be given a sense of coherence and wholeness.
  6. The yearning for wholeness, for oneness, is consistent with some of the tenets of both Buddhism and nineteenth-century German Romantic philosophy, to which Karajan was evidently drawn both by background and by temperamental inclination.
  7. The Primate of the Episcopal Church in the USA thanks God for "the gifts ordained women have brought to our church and the wholeness that has come to its life".
  8. It was be demonstrating this wholeness that they were able to show that when one side of this whole changes, so will the other.
  9. Recognizing what God is really like, and knowing that he is our ally, can point the way back to health and wholeness.
  10. The word itself is derived from two Greek words: holos and kaustos ; the former, "wholeness", has a tragically ironic edge to it in the light of Leonard's concerns for "oneness".
  11. They do what they have to do as whole entities, further integrated into the greater wholeness of soul, Mind and nature.
  12. the movement towards the unity of the Churches and the movement towards the ordination of women are both aspects of the movement towards wholeness.
  13. Jay had taken her camera to photo the leather-bound treasures of the seventeenth century, where even the language was rounded in sepia sworls, respectful of rhythm, season, nature and wholeness.

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