Перевод: workable
[прилагательное] рентабельный; осуществимый; выполнимый; реальный
- It provides criteria for notification, a workable timetable (which could, however, be improved by shortening the time limits) and a system for authorising mergers if the parties modify their plans or give undertakings.
- Obviously, experimentation is going to yield better and better results, but few guitar players would find much trouble extracting a workable sound in a matter of minutes.
- This isn't a problem with effects like delay, chorus and reverb, where there is enough variation for a good workable effect to be achieved, but while there are two types of overdrive/distortion available I think these could be more flexible.
- Here your role is to ensure that any plan has been developed in enough detail to satisfy you as manager that it is workable.
- This will include a workable appeal system for applicants under which those with manifestly unfounded claims will be returned quickly to their own country or to the country they came from.
- They also offer relatively modest time allocations for practical and prevocational subjects in upper primary classes, a feature which may reflect a lack of real conviction by syllabus panels to respond to the political creed that such studies are necessary and profitable for primary level children, but may also be born of a firm realistic assessment of the lack of money and materials to make such studies workable.
- Gradually, through compromise, a workable plan will emerge, and this can then be broken down into a programme phased over a number of years.
- What makes it so special is the people who live and work there, who don't just talk about the need for alternative technologies, or even just demonstrate workable alternatives but actually live by them.
- What Freud provides is a workable and, on the whole, convincing hypothesis or model that enables us at least to describe, if not to explain, the workings of the mind - that is, people's behaviour and people's creations, such as visual art and literature.
- We have a lot to learn here, both about the most effective and workable formats for such a document, about the way in which we can most usefully and perceptively make comments and in ways which (again) fit practically into time demands.
- By encouraging an individual to explore their ideas, correct, redefine and re-explore until a workable solution is arrived at, may take slightly longer than simply being instructed in that certain manner by an appropriate "expert" yet the learning experience is infinitely greater and consequently more long lasting.
- All of this is a testimonial to the belief that when the emphasis is placed on the practical experiences of individuals and communities rather than on ideologies, and when the grassroots leadership of people is developed rather than theories and constitutions, then workable solutions can be developed which are adapted for both local and the national situation by those people who have to put these solutions into practice at the sharp end of the stick.
- The control room, although just workable, is very cramped (especially as it has had to take on committee work).
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