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Перевод: Xerxes speek Xerxes

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  1. Xerxes, the invader of Greece in 480, died in 465 and the long reign of Artaxerxes I began, lasting till 425.
  2. If he, Jaq - being a child of genetically wholesome parents - had begun to shine this light too, might not something in the nature of the world of Xerxes Quintus itself be to blame?
  3. The violence and confusion which Diodorus (xi.7 1) says marked the end of Xerxes (465) and the accession of Artaxerxes, who acquired the throne by murdering his elder brother, led Egypt in the south of the empire and Baktria in the east to revolt in the hope of freedom.
  4. When Xerxes invaded, Herodotus has nothing to say about resistance by Macedon, and this is one of the strongest arguments for thinking they medised.
  5. For thousands of years, Xerxes Quintus had gone its own course, ignorant of the Imperium.
  6. Jaq was born on Xerxes Quintus, fifth planet of a harsh white sun.
  7. Christopher Robson (countertenor) has recently been electrifying audiences with his performances of Arsamenes in Xerxes at the English National Opera, and when he opens his mouth on this recording he may as well be plugging us all into the mains.
  8. Herodotus' History can be seen as a sermon on the text that Spartans and Persians, even in their great period of conflict, gradually came to value each other's qualities:2 at first (Hdt. i.153) Cyrus the Great scoffs at the Greeks who come together in a market-place to cheat each other; by the end, the exiled Spartan king Demaratos is shown (vii.104) lecturing a clearly impressed Xerxes on the subject of Spartan deference to law.
  9. Shortly before Themistokles fell, Aeschylus (in 472) produced a play, the Persians , which reminded the audience of how Themistokles had deceived King Xerxes at the time of the battle of Salamis.
  10. The following fifty years, which were also the years in which Athens and the Greeks decisively rebuffed the attempts of the Persians under Darius and Xerxes to destroy their independent states, saw further moves towards the dominance of popular power in Athens, some of them directly prompted by the necessities of war.
  11. Some of them can still be seen - for example, the church of St-Hilaire-le-Grand in Poitiers, or the lower church of St Eutropius, who was believed to be a descendant of Xerxes of Persia, in Saintes.
  12. He left the sun Xerxes behind forever
  13. The whole complex of events in the Persian wars from the fall of Sardis to the retreat of Xerxes was seen as a unity and formed what Robert Drews has called "one Great Event of awesome proportions".

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