y ya yb yc yd ye yi yl ym yo yr yt yu yw

Перевод: yes speek yes

согласие; утверждение;


  1. "Yes, sir."
  2. The answer is a clear "yes", for the following reasons.
  3. "Yes."
  4. Yes.
  5. "I think that would be better, yes, sir," he agreed.
  6. "Yes please, Miss Meik."
  7. "Yes, in a while."
  8. "Yes, yes, fucking yes!"
  9. "She is tall and fair and fair-skinned, a nice green dress, good-looking I should say, although it was artificial light and I should think she looks very different in the day time yes, I should think very different.
  10. "Yes sir."
  11. A Yes.
  12. Flora went on: "Yes - well - the inherited playacting dies hard.

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