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Перевод: yeti speek yeti

снежный человек


  1. He looked like a wild thing so we called him the Yeti.
  2. You once organised an expedition to find the yeti.
  3. It was all the Yeti's doing when you come right down to it.
  4. I once lived next door to a giant of a man with feet like Yeti slippers.
  5. Suddenly the Yeti turned up in the men's department where I worked.
  6. The Yeti
  7. If it hadn't been for the Yeti, I'd never have met Malcolm McLaren or Johnie Rotten.
  8. Other features include the attachment design for the Yeti Attak Gaiter and Cambrelle inner lining.
  9. The most obvious example was the attempt to find a yeti on an expedition Bonington led to climb Menlungtse in the Himalaya.
  10. Then the Yeti suddenly produced all these blues - speed, amphetamine, call it what you like.
  11. As well as being a mate of Yeti's at school we worked together at Whiteleys, the department store in Queensway, on Thursday evenings after school and all day Saturday - for which we got paid the grand total of 36 shillings or 1.80 today.
  12. Iain Walker became well-known in climbing circles for accompanying the 1988 Bonington Menlungste expedition, which was dressed up for sponsorship purposes as a yeti hunt.
  13. The particular Friday night when the Yeti sealed my fate, we went to an end-of-run party for the school play, Doctor Faustus it was that year.

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