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Перевод: yoga speek yoga



  1. One of the most important yoga techniques consists of directing the life-force.
  2. Yoga
  3. As stated in the introduction, the goal of Yoga is to bring a person into union with "God".
  4. Bearing this in mind we shall endeavour to answer the question "Should you go to Yoga?"
  5. For meditation, yoga or for a philosophical discussion, try a blend of frankincense, myrrh and cedarwood.
  6. Join an evening yoga class (once a week); do aerobics once or twice a week, plus a thirty-minute walk three times a week.
  7. It is important at the outset for people to realise that Yoga is essentially religious and not physical or as "A Book of Beliefs" published by Lion Publishing Co. states (P147) "Yoga is the Hindu word which signifies a spiritual discipline by which men may reach union with God."
  8. Yoga may not do much for stamina, but it can be excellent for suppleness and also relatively good for strength.
  9. However, what many yoga fans will have heard about is the "life-force", especially if they followed Richard Hittleman's Yoga for Health series on television.
  10. Most will have started yoga after watching it on television or because a friend invited them to join a local group.
  11. However, the latest approach to the force is through hyperventilation (special patterns of breathing) and the chanting of yoga mantras synchronised with the jogging rhythm.
  12. The yoga "complete breath" is one of the easiest ways to begin learning to use your lungs efficiently and is very helpful to those suffering from respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis and so forth.
  13. Try relaxation, try yoga, try a long walk, try reading a magazine, having a bath - anything that you personally enjoy and that enhances your sense of well-being.

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