z za zd ze zi zl zo zp zr zt zu zw zy

Перевод: z speek z

зона ; нуль ;
зет ; неизвестная величина; что-либо в форме буквы z


  1. NAKAJIMA'S private venture study for a trans-Pacific bomber, Project Z , was refined and developed by a joint Imperial Army and Navy team to produce the G10N1 Fugaku (Mount Fuji).
  2. The W and Z particles figure prominently in attempts to develop a single unified theory of the particles that form the matter of the Universe and the forces that mould them together.
  3. On this occasion, CTL to ls6 were again grown from Z 1 but not from Z 16.
  4. (more formally: all the ai belong to Q and there exists N Z such that for all n such that .
  5. Not many variables lie in the constellation, but there is an M-type semi-regular star, Z Urs Majoris, in the 12 field with Megrez.
  6. - 1, G Duclos-Lasalle (France, Z) 6h 26m56s; 2, O Ludwig (Germany, Panasonic) at 34s; 3, J Capiot (Belgium, TVM) at 1m 22s; 4, P Pieters (Holland, Tulip); 5, J-C Colotti (France, Z); 6, E de Wilde (Belgium, Telekom) all same time as Capiot.
  7. It is useful to recall Wittgenstein in this connection: "It is a help here to remember that it is a primitive reaction to tend, to treat, the part that hurts when someone else is in pain; and not merely when oneself is" (Z 540).
  8. As Wittgenstein observed: "If however I doubt whether a spider feels pain, it is not because I don't know what to expect" (Z 564).
  9. JERZY GAWOR comes to E in his A to Z - which brings him to tips on parasites, waste elimination, and water changes.
  10. Practical Fishkeeping's A to Z OF FISH HEALTH
  11. Note that the goal is now achieved, since z 1 = 0, and we can complete P3/T3 by adding a z 2 -row.
  12. If a Z o were produced which decayed into an electron positron pair, observation of both particles in the pair would give a definite identification of the Z o and its mass.
  13. The essence of "soap" (or "continuing drama" as its creators prefer to call it) is a tight-knit microcosm, whether the village of Ambridge, the police stations of Dock Green, Z Cars and all their descendants, the hospitals of Emergency Ward 10 and Casualty , the motel of Crossroads , or a single street - see above, plus Brookside Close.

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