z za zd ze zi zl zo zp zr zt zu zw zy

Перевод: zero speek zero

нуль ; ноль ; нулевая точка; ничто; первая основная точка температурной шкалы;
ноль; нулевой;
устанавливать на нуль


  1. The aircraft was not so manoeuvrable as the Japanese Zero , but its strength far exceeded the Zero in a dive.
  2. A decision problem in which I receives and II receives - , if I plays i and II plays j , is called a two-person zero-sum game (ZSG - "zero sum" because the sum of the receipts of the two players is zero).
  3. Operating from batteries alone, the vehicle is of course a zero emission car and it is expected that the majority of commuting will be in this mode.
  4. The US deficit is rising dramatically, not falling, as the law dictated, to zero by fiscal 1991.
  5. The answer to the three problems of wind traffic and camcorder noise is to be found in the use of an extension microphone: it can be more easily sheltered from the wind, it can be a super-directional type if need be and so help to exclude the sound of passing traffic, and it can be placed far enough away to reduce camera handling noises to zero.
  6. Speakers and headphones are designed to work from a zero impedance source.
  7. Once asc time reaches zero and is replaced with no dec time , you can surface.
  8. That angle is zero at MLT=12hr and cusp precipitation is generally found at MLT between 10:30 and 13:30 (ref.12).
  9. Indeed, large problems are usually very sparse (most x i j s must be zero).
  10. For 0, we apply a similar procedure, decreasing from zero and calculating in each tableau using (6.4a).
  11. Repeat first four days of four zero foods experiment.
  12. This commences with a quarter loop (back cyclic, positive pitch) followed by a vertical climb (neutral cyclic, zero pitch), a half roll (full lateral cyclic), a further vertical climb (if you are lucky), a stall turn (full rudder), a vertical dive back to the point where you started the climb (still zero pitch) and another quarter loop (back cyclic, positive pitch) to recover.
  13. Furthermore, these plateaux coincide with deep minima in the longitudinal voltage, in the direction of current flow, which drops essentially to zero at the critical values of Vg .

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