z za zd ze zi zl zo zp zr zt zu zw zy

Перевод: zest speek zest

пикантность ; изюминка ; придающее вкус; то, что придает вкус; цедра ; жар ; интерес ; энергия ; живость ;
придавать пикантность; придавать интерес


  1. She danced with zest, sang sweetly and had a fine sense of comic timing.
  2. 3 oz each sultanas and raisins 2oz each currants and flaked almonds 1/4; pt hot tea plus 2 tbsp brandy or rum a good pinch each of cinnamon and allspice the finely grated zest of 1 orange
  3. Fisher had zest.
  4. Others, more robust or less perceptive, found, on the contrary, a renewed zest for life in the perpetual animated discussions occasioned by the topic.
  5. Lucy had the decency and zest of a boarding school prefect, the kind the Lower Third would swoon over.
  6. He is right, though his play does not leave his audiences with much of a zest for battle.
  7. 6 oz self-raising flour and 1 tsp cinnamon 3 oz each grated suet and flaked almonds the zest of 1 orange and 6 tbsp orange juice at least lb dried apricot and orange jam (or other good jam, preferably home-made)
  8. His zest for living had to encompass even the risk of dying.
  9. 1 x 8-inch shallow fluted shortcrust pastry case, blind baked and cooled 2 eggs lightly beaten with 4 tbsp soured cream the zest of 1 lemon and 1 tbsp lemon juice 6 tbsp golden syrup 3 tbsp freshly ground almonds
  10. 2-;2 lb Cox or other sharp but sweet dessert apples 1 tbsp lemon juice and the zest of 1 lemons 1 dozen or more thin slices of bread cut from a crusty French loaf or bloomer butter, golden syrup and demerara sugar
  11. By this time, he was in the second phase of his Jewish formation - that of the Mishnah , and attending his Yeshiva with some diligence, if not zest.
  12. More concerned that this reflected on his own abilities than his tutor's zest, Leonard telephoned his residence at Bowdy House, in the poorer district of Montreal.
  13. Use lime juice or zest rather than lemon.

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