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Перевод: oat speek oat

овсяный; овсяной; из овсяной соломы;
овсяная каша; свирель из стебля овсяной соломы; овсяная крупа; овес ; пастуший рожок


  1. A row of four oat "huts" just like African beehive huts with pointy straw twisted tops preserved winter feed for the beasts.
  2. oat bran
  3. You can now buy porridge oats enriched with extra oat bran (Quaker Oats) which gives ten per cent more soluble fibre than regular oats, which still have the highest soluble fibre content of any other breakfast cereal.
  4. Soluble fibre, found in oat bran, beans and fruit pectin, is thought to reduce serum cholesterol levels and so protect against heart attacks.
  5. Their hay would be fed as it had been cut, handful by handful, and should be enough with seaweed and oat straw to feed her till she was helped out in the spring.
  6. Breakfast Oat bran cereal with skimmed milk, wholemeal toast, low-fat spread and jam.
  7. He and his brother would take delight in cutting out oat cakes.
  8. The barley and oat straw provide the main winter diet for beef cattle; the rolled oats and rolled or ground barley are fed to poultry, pigs, and bovine youngstock.
  9. More than 50% of oat bran fibre is water-soluble compared to eight per cent of what bran fibre.
  10. Breakfast Oat bran cereal, skimmed milk and stewed apple, wholemeal toast with a little low-fat spread.
  11. Breakfast Oat cereal and skimmed milk, wholemeal toast, low-fat spread and jam.
  12. Oat and barley straw is softer and more palatable than wheat and rye, and thus the most suitable for feeding in the sheaf.
  13. Oat straw, although variable in quality, generally makes good bulk fodder for cattle.

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