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Перевод: obey speek obey

повиноваться; подчиняться; выполнять приказание; слушаться


  1. Particles obey principles similar to magnetism; like poles repel, and unlike poles attract.
  2. Man to command and woman to obey;
  3. Is there a prima facie obligation to obey the law which transcends the limits of the state's authority?
  4. One has a duty to obey those in authority over one even in circumstances in which disobedience does not imperil their existence or functioning.
  5. I say a reasonably just society, rather than a reasonably just law, for consent to obey the law expresses an attitude not to the law but to the society whose law it is.
  6. They had been killed by Charlie Company, very few of whose members had refused to obey the orders of Lieutenant William Calley.
  7. People living in a particular society must be aware of their laws and institutions since they have to obey them.
  8. Typical examples are cases where one is given notice that everyone who enters a certain house, club, or park must abide by certain rules, obey a certain authority, or do so at his own risk.
  9. Let me be a free man - free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to think and talk and act for myself - and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty
  10. It reached its peak earlier this week when both Presidents set up rival command structures, forcing officers to choose whom to obey and from whom to risk a charge of mutiny.
  11. You are obliged to obey a reasonable instruction given by an authorised superior.
  12. I am the captain you will not obey.
  13. But my son nevertheless has to obey him.

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