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Перевод: obliging speek obliging

услужливый; любезный; обязательный


  1. However, he was obliging enough and she was glad of his company as she hurried through the Philadelphia streets towards the lodging house.
  2. Some of those arguing for mixed-ability teaching did so on the narrowest professional grounds that it would improve teaching and learning, obliging teachers to treat pupils as individuals each proceeding at a different pace and in a different manner.
  3. "A clergyman of the neighbourhood, who was so obliging as to accompany me in this and several other rambles amongst these mountains, formed the wild idea of attempting to climb apparently up the face of the precipice, and I, eager in my pursuit, did not object to the adventure.
  4. "Your clothes is soaked, Mr Arkwright; put on your other coat, and I'll dry these by the fire," said his landlady, Mrs Patton, an obliging soul who liked him, a nice quiet young gentleman who caused no trouble and paid his rent.
  5. Chub are one of the most obliging fish because they are almost always hungry, and their appetites stay tuned, although to a lesser degree, even when the weather is at its most severe at each end of the scale.
  6. His first drawings mount, whether unconsciously or by design, a direct assault on our concept of beauty, obliging us to reexamine it.
  7. They were not as obliging as she was about disappearing before the weekly workshop.
  8. Besides, the instructions also say, "The preparation of estimates giving manhours for a job should be avoided", which hardly appears obliging or informative.
  9. If you've a hankering for something more you'll have to look elsewhere 'cause I ain't obliging."
  10. Jack did not like strangers in the house, so there was no regular charwoman, only the obliging person who could be summoned at intervals when Jack was away.
  11. The Germans are asking their "sickness funds" (which collect payroll taxes and arrange for care) to cancel contracts with inefficient hospitals and are obliging hospitals to publish details of their costs.
  12. Only West Germany has specific legislation, dating back to 1974, obliging international and regional shippers to obtain prior permission.
  13. She introduced a bill in 1989, obliging the bar to consider a ban, after a case in which two women accused Marvin Mitchelson, a big-cheese divorce lawyer, of sexual assault (he denied the charges and settled out of court).

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