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Перевод: obscure speek obscure

темный; мрачный; смутный; неясный; неотчетливый; непонятный; невразумительный; невыясненный; незаметный; неизвестный; уединенный; скрытый; безвестный; глухой; тусклый; блеклый;
затушевывать; затемнять; делать неясным; затмевать; застилать; загораживать


  1. The details of the legend's growth are obscure, but it is now known that it was developing steadily in northern Spain and southern France in the centuries between the eighth and the eleventh.
  2. No matter how small the sample size, however, it would obscure the analysis to group readers of very different papers, such as the Guardian and the Telegraph , together.
  3. Both the personality and the work remain famously obscure in a way which seems almost contrived.
  4. The BMC's ability to negotiate access agreements for the whole climbing community and to enforce their controversial bolting policy has been thrown into stark relief over a small and obscure gritstone crag in the Derbyshire Peak.
  5. He mixes humour with humility and anger with understanding, but never lets indulgence obscure the entertainment.
  6. This, however, raises obscure and vexing questions about the nature of "textuality".
  7. First, as Mercer and Julien remind us, such an equivalence tends to obscure exactly those differences which need to be addressed if we are to understand not only each kind of discrimination separately but also their interconnections ("Race, Sexuality and Black Masculinity", 99 - 100).
  8. Barlow Clowes investors to receive 150m compensation continued from page one had properly investigated an obscure Jersey partnership which had been licensed then it would have established a link between it and Barlow Clowes.
  9. Perspective conjoined - obscure dimensions amalgamated, over forty hours later the "collage" or is it a "montage", becomes a single unit.
  10. But that debate should not obscure the fact that private investment was the key that unlocked the Channel Tunnel door.
  11. Here, whatever else is obscure, the need for a much greater commitment of resources is indisputable: without, for example, a massive renewal and expansion of physical provision, men and methods will not avail, though men are the essence of the service and methods cry out for more and more exploration.
  12. This is justified by his belief that abstractionism does more than obscure the truth of immaterialism.
  13. Mark eliminates starter motor, battery, alternator, and ignition coil, and fixes in the end on an obscure switch which isolates the electrics from the gearbox and would have taken me a month to find - but, for the man who can, about three minutes.

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