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Перевод: obsequious speek obsequious

подобострастный; раболепный; угодливый


  1. Perhaps television was just too obsequious towards leaders to be revealing.
  2. If Freemantle portrayed Leapor as relatively docile, it must be said that the poet occasionally adopted obsequious postures herself.
  3. He had expected a butler or some obsequious manservant, at the least a maid or companion, to welcome them into a room shining with silver and silk carpets.
  4. They came hurrying forward with obsequious smiles as Wilcox stopped to ask about a bin of components with "WASTE" chalked on the side, or squatted beside a broken-down machine to discuss the cause with an oily-pawed mechanic.
  5. As Valre, Alex Hardy exhibits a Basil Fawlty brand of obsequious contempt for his master.
  6. (Gomez, it should be said, is the epitome of the "good negro": kind, considerate, unassuming but not obsequious, hardworking and able to make "jokes" about his colour.)
  7. It pulls up and rounds out the corners of its mouth, and chomps its teeth together rapidly in an obsequious manner, as if it is saying: "Don't hurt me, I'm only a baby!"
  8. The food there didn't taste too different and we were spared a cabaret but I reckon 30 isn't too high a price for eating in a beautiful, traditional-style Moroccan room with the well heeled jet set, being served by obsequious waiters in costumes that would put to shame Aladdin's chorus at the Palladium.
  9. The trouble is that, today, much of this appears appallingly naive and disgustingly obsequious.
  10. His "peculiar gloating obsequious humour", his "sort of capricious self-satisfaction" lurking in the very midst of "plaintive protestations", are described and pondered.
  11. C. H. Simpson, for 37 years the popular Master of Ceremonies at Vauxhall Gardens, celebrated for his extraordinarily obsequious manner.
  12. Clinton's pitch for the Jewish vote was more obsequious.
  13. "I went to see her at Claridge's they are always so obsequious when one asks for her.

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