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Перевод: obstruct speek obstruct

затруднять проходимость; загромождать; препятствовать; устраивать обструкцию; заслонять; мешать; затруднять; вызывать запор; преграждать; заграждать


  1. Yesterday he smiled for the last time and said he did not wish to obstruct the work of Prime Minister Hans Modrow - who now constitutes, with a small group of associates from Dresden, the only remaining acceptable face of reform within the East German Communist Party.
  2. Consequence : Easing of supply problems in agriculture and boost to consumer satisfaction, but momentum lost as planners obstruct, managers become frustrated and disputes over prerogatives are fudged.
  3. Even where an undertaking does fall within the exemption, the competition rules will apply if their application does not obstruct the performance of the specific functions of the undertaking concerned.
  4. In the late 1620s, some Calvinists attempted to obstruct the collection of money for the repair of St Paul's, and throughout the 1630s large numbers of churchwardens were summoned to appear before the ecclesiastical authorities for failing to introduce the required changes to the lay-out of their churches.
  5. Other concessions, however, were more serious; both Henry VII and Henry VIII were allowed to nominate at will to the English episcopal bench, to translate bishops from see to see, and to obstruct the collection of papal taxes.
  6. The killing of Indians who obstruct the occupation of their land by speculators is already happening.
  7. However, since Europe's guiding principles for resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict were closer to those of the Soviet Union than to those of the United States, the latter was bound to request Europe not to obstruct implementation of its own version of the peace process.
  8. Eutrophication also spawns epidemics of epiphytes, microalgae that attach themselves to the leaves and stems of underwater plants and further obstruct light.
  9. The aim, therefore, was both to create new centres of national capitalism and to neutralize the capacity to obstruct this process of the three dominant powers of backward Europe - the Tsars, the Habsburg emperors, and the monarchs of Prussia (the three were interlocked in the tripartite division of Poland).
  10. Many, however, were less pessimistic about the malevolent desire of powerful vested interests to obstruct the progress of democracy and genuine peace.
  11. Because of their large size and numbers (they can look very much like a large serving of spaghetti!), they can completely obstruct an intestine.
  12. Once again the spectre of the adolescent as worker and wage-earner returned to obstruct the aspirations of reformers who came into direct conflict with the priorities of market forces, including the evolving relationship between labour and technology, the urgency of the small firm for immediate profits, and the overwhelming influence of supply and demand.
  13. In this paradise, our man saunters along the road only to obstruct the rush of business.

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