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Перевод: occidental speek occidental

житель Запада; уроженец Запада; западная держава


  1. Hoffman plays the part like an Occidental version of Charlie Chan's number one son."
  2. A good example is the 600 million joint venture with Occidental Petroleum to develop what could be the world's largest open-cast coal mine.
  3. Occidental, owner of the Piper Alpha, owed Mr McFarlane, a painter aboard the doomed platform, a "duty of care".
  4. Mr Binyon has thought; he has plunged into the knowledge of the East and extended the borders of occidental knowledge, and yet his mind constantly harks back to some folly of nineteenth century Europe.
  5. Occidental Petroleum is another "death-watch company".
  6. They, and all of life in India in its own way, are sacred, but the holes bored by the former and the mounds erected by the latter in the paddocks were a threat to the horses, Occidental logic demanded that the one could best be filled by the deposition of the other.
  7. Mr Al-Haroun, when confronted, was as gently apologetic as only a well-bred Arab can be when confronted by an angry occidental.
  8. In the autumn of 1978 the manager of the canteen at the Occidental Petroleum plant at Zuwaitina - - a canteen run by a subsidiary of Grand Metropolitan Hotels Ltd - received a consignment of fifty-five gross of tins of processed milk.
  9. Strong gains came from other oil producers too, including Texaco, Chevron and Occidental.
  10. In all northern cultures, oriental and occidental, an anticlockwise rotation is aggressive as mankind, with courage and fortitude, contends with the problems of survival.
  11. Remember it's just that salt has become the MSG of the occidental table!
  12. He used the milk in the canteen and also put it on sale in the shop used by resident employees of Occidental and by Libyans and others who held passes to enter the compound.
  13. The shares attracted buyers when Occidental's 91-year-old boss, Dr Armand Hammer, slipped in the bath three years ago.

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