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Перевод: ocean speek ocean

океанский; относящийся к океану;
океан ; целое море; огромное пространство; огромное количество; множество; масса


  1. Suddenly, for the aircrew, the endless backdrop of the ocean was violated, cut by the appearance from under the Hercules of the straight, man-made lines of Titron.
  2. All shale and weeds and winds that picked up speed as they swooped in off the ocean, this strip of barren land prepared you for the final desolation of the Crumbles.
  3. F. For seven years at the end of the last century thousands of navvies dug a canal 8.5 m deep for ocean ships to reach Manchester .
  4. Although much of the industrial production was carried out in large modern units, these were still comparatively small islands in an ocean of small-scale production and a very backward agriculture.
  5. What do you see? - Posted like silent sentinels all around the town, stand thousands upon thousands of mortal men fixed in ocean reveries.
  6. The dominant plants of the open ocean, then, are single-celled plants.
  7. But she died the same merciless death at the remote nature reserve on the Indian Ocean, 220 miles north of Durban - repeatedly stabbed and hacked to pieces.
  8. It was an amazing discovery to find that monoplacophorans were still alive and well - living ones were dredged from the deep ocean in the early 1950's.
  9. Consider a fish in its native environment be it lake, river or ocean, feeding almost constantly throughout the day/night cycle (species dependant).
  10. In practice, in the absence of storms, there is very little flow of water between the surface and the depths in mid ocean; the warm surface waters stay on the surface; and the deep water also stays where it is, roughly at 3.5C, all the way to the bottom.
  11. I sing floods muzzled and the Ocean tam'd
  12. Recent major signings OCEAN COLOUR SCENE first surfed into the indie charts last summer with the delightfully trippy "Sway".
  13. It was found that the heatflow, or rate at which heat is moving upwards through the Earth's crust, is several times higher along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge than on the ocean floor on either side.

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