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Перевод: ocelot speek ocelot

оцелот [зоол.]


  1. Zoo purrs over ocelot kittens
  2. The ocelot is an American cat like a small leopard; its name comes from the Mexican "ocelotl", meaning jaguar.
  3. Last week, Helen excelled herself - a black matt waterproof, lined, with a turn-back collar of fake ocelot!
  4. This region of unusual geological features is home to a number of endangered species, including ocelot and jaguar.
  5. For example, we place the small cats (domestic cat, sand cat, ocelot, etc.) in one genus, Felis , and the large cats (lion, tiger, etc.) in a different one, panthera .
  6. Ocelot seat covers.
  7. FOR the first time in decades a litter of two ocelot kittens has been born at London Zoo.
  8. - , 59, of "I came across a very classy furrier's in Nottingham just as the shopkeeper was putting a jaunty looking ocelot hat on a stand.
  9. In recent years he has become increasingly involved in the conservation of neotropical mammals, and now has a deep involvement in research studies in Peru and Ecuador of the mountain tapir, ocelot and giant otter.
  10. Even Tanya stayed to watch, standing at the back of the room draped in fake ocelot, with the glow of her Woodbine reflected in her lip-gloss.
  11. Whether it was a zebra, or a panda or a bear or a seal, cat, ocelot or kangaroo was unclear, but whatever it was, on the grounds of its appearance, it had every good reason to be depressed.
  12. The last time an ocelot at the zoo gave birth to a litter of more than one was in 1955.

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