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Перевод: octahedron speek octahedron

восьмигранник ; октаэдр


  1. The cross-section of an octahedron is a square, producing eight triangular faces.
  2. The Platonic solids, the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron, were thought by Plato, the Athenian philosopher, to have universal significance.
  3. Bottom : Interactive dualities in Platonic solids: (a) Two tetrahedrons (b) A cube and an octahedron (c) A dodecahedron and an icosahedron.
  4. Moreover, this rule cannot be mitigated by mixing the d orbitals with p orbitals, because in a regular octahedron the d orbitals are g and the p orbitals are u.
  5. Below : Surfaces of the icosahedron and the octahedron.
  6. They can be found by the close packing of similar spheres and are in two categories: (1) The tetrahedron, cube and octahedron grow in succession, cycle after cycle, by each encasing its predecessor.
  7. Particular favourites are the truncated octahedron (dymaxion) using squares and hexagons, and the truncated icosahedron, using pentagons and hexagons (the international soccer ball).
  8. The corners of an octahedron can be located by erecting a perpendicular, height equal to half the side length, on the midpoint of each face of a cube.
  9. The vertexes of an octahedron are at midpoints of the faces of the cube.
  10. Platonic cosmology contained elements: Tetrahedron - fire; Octahedron - air; Icosahedron - water; Cube - Earth; Dodecahedron - ether.
  11. The squares circumscribing the triangle do not mesh conveniently in the plane, but are critical to the formation of the three dimensional octahedron.

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