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Перевод: octave speek octave

октава ; восьмистишие; восьмая позиция [фехт.] ; восьмой день после праздника; неделя, следующая за праздником; набор из восьми предметов; восемь предметов; винная бочка


  1. There are many ways of playing 3 octave arpeggios, and this month I will show what I believe is the most effective approach.
  2. With the KUBE in circuit the -6dB low frequency roll-off point is moved downwards almost an octave, from 38 to 20Hz.
  3. These pads have been laid out like a C to C octave on a keyboard, with the lower row of pads as the white notes and the upper row the black ones.
  4. Here's the bit that's important this is bar nine an octave lower.
  5. This scale is a little unusual-sounding, due to the 5th, 6th, 7th and octave intervals.
  6. Swap for good chorus, delay, octave or pitchshifter pedal.
  7. OVERWATER progress 2 active bass with case, double octave neck, graduated fretting, as new, RRP 1,140 absolute bargain, 600.
  8. The most usual form is canon at the unison , or octave.
  9. Along the sides of the window are numbers 1 to 7, indicating the octave bands; for guitarists, A-440Hz is highlighted.
  10. Undoubtedly that is a great defect: it is impossible not to wish that, musically speaking, the piece could be played an octave higher.
  11. Bar nine is bar one an octave lower.
  12. It's actually called a perfect octave but they never worry about the perfect when you're talking about an octave.
  13. In bar 3, Cliff moves to fret 13 for an F note an octave up.

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