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Перевод: octopus speek octopus

осьминог ; спрут


  1. The octopus, "literally" a side-show exhibit, represents the narrator's groping towards forms, the perceptual flux as he moves through geographical, residential and sexual space.
  2. Like Sukenick and Pynchon, Wurlitzer has acknowledged an influence from Kerouac which can be seen in the open structure of his first novel The Octopus (1969: published in America under the title Nog ).
  3. The level of organization achieved by the most advanced molluscs, for example the octopus, is the most intricate and sophisticated of any invertebrate: one cannot over-estimate the importance of the Mollusca in shaping the patterns of marine communities we see today.
  4. In the north and east the Curled or Lesser Octopus Eledone cirrhosa may treat you with a colourful appearance.
  5. In the thirteenth century, the technical quality of the fabric was uniformly good, a well-fired reddish-brown colour, but the gradual impoverishment of the designs continued: the octopus was simplified to a wavy line encircling a vase.
  6. Designed by the internationally famous Peter Lynn of New Zealand (whose Octopus appears on the cover of this book), it is popularly known as the Peter Lynn Tri-D and it can be made using square cells based on 90-degree Isosceles triangles as Pat has drawn, or with equilateral triangles.
  7. Explore the exciting underwater world at the Brighton Sea Life Centre discover one of England's largest collections of marine creatures from shrimps, starfish and stingrays to sensational sharks and octopus.
  8. The Octopus is a device which plugs into MIDI processors and the like, but also plugs into switch sockets on amps like the Carvin; clever circuitry allows the Octopus to combine a patch change on the processor with basic switching on the amp.
  9. Octopus Park
  10. In September 1983 Habitat Mothercare embarked on a joint publishing venture with Octopus Books plc under the name of Conran Octopus Ltd.
  11. MIDI Octopus plus rack mount, 120.
  12. The most perfect example of the Marine Style is the pot from Gournia with an octopus sprawling all over its surface.
  13. Prevailing regulations mean you must dive using an octopus and stab jacket (no ABLJs allowed).

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