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Перевод: open speek open

открытый; раскрытый; непересеченный; открытого типа; развернутый; раскрывшийся; незакрывшийся; доступный; незанятый; непредубежденный; нерешенный; незавершенный; незащищенный; откровенный; искренний; честный; свободный от предрассудков; гостеприимный; щедрый; всем известный; публичный; неморозный; свободный от льда; выключенный; разомкнутый; несомкнутый; расширяемый;
открытое пространство; открытое море; открытый чемпионат; перспектива ;
открывать; открыть; отпереть; отворять; отворяться; открываться; раскрывать; раскрыть; раскупоривать; раскрываться; разевать; начинать; начинаться; основывать; размыкать цепь; отключать; выключать; открывать файл; растворяться


  1. There are also special requirements for the ventilation of adjoining rooms, such as a lounge with a conservatory built over its only window, and for rooms with windows opening onto closed or open courtyards.
  2. So, the result should move in the direction of an open information society and away from the oligarchic tendencies to be seen in much political party management of local discussion.
  3. When I arrived at the GA European Open, I looked at the list of entrants for the Lancome Trophy to find that I was right at the bottom of the list of qualifiers with one week to go before the final selection.
  4. Whether all this adds up to Mr Winchester's "inchoate oneness", scheduled to mature in a generation or so, is open to doubt.
  5. An open fire needs an air entry opening with a free area of at least 50% of the fire's throat area, while rooms container other solid fuel or oil-burning appliances must have openings totalling 550sq mm per kilowatt of rated output above the first 5kW.
  7. It was with some trepidation, therefore, that on her way back she pushed open the gate and walked up the drive.
  8. As they broke out of the covert on to the open parkland the bright sun made them squint.
  9. Three supermarkets will open this year in Knightsbridge, Sidmouth and Minehead.
  10. Before going on to analyse the kinds of blocking technique one might nevertheless use, I want to briefly explain what I mean by the terms "open" and "closed" sides when referring to a stance.
  11. Ros doesn't recommend bringing age into the open, unless you're certain that it's on the interviewer's mind.
  12. It's filled with supersafe play equipment that's paradise for the bravest of young adventurers (12 years and under) and it stays open every weekend through the winter.
  13. He told me not to open my mouth to either of you and Una until such time when he would tell all three of you himself.
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