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Перевод: orbit speek orbit

орбита ; сфера ; сфера деятельности; глазница ; размах деятельности; глазная впадина;
выводить на орбиту; выход`ить на орбиту; вращаться по орбите


  1. However, the evidence from Pittsburgh indicates that the community group , instead of acting as an oppositional force, has been brought more emphatically within the institutional orbit, both through the mechanisms for consultation and as it becomes formally integrated into local policy making.
  2. So ESA is having to cough up rather more than it bargained for to insure the European communications satellite that, if all goes to plan, Ariane will place in orbit on its next launch in June.
  3. During one orbit the satellite observes a band of sky half a degree wide.
  4. With one of the pair in orbit, the interferometer swings around much more rapidly - reducing the time required for observing each source - and the separation is not limited by the size of the Earth: present technology permits a radio telescope in an orbit a hundred times larger, improving the resolution a hundredfold over that possible from Earth
  5. Iraq has launched a rocket into space but it has never put a satellite into orbit.
  6. The only planets we can see are the ones that orbit the Sun - far too small a sample to draw any conclusions from.
  7. First launched in complete secrecy on 19 June 1970, the programme placed in geostationary orbit 22,300 miles above the equator an eavesdropping satellite developed by the TRW Corporation of California for the NSA.
  8. A suitable satellite in high orbit should do it nicely.
  9. Three projects to investigate the Solar System range from a cluster of four satellites to investigate the Earth's magnetosphere, through a solar high-resolution observatory (in Earth orbit), to a probe designed to fly to the asteroid belt and study some asteroids at close range.
  10. ISO will follow an elliptical orbit taking it from 1000 to 39 000 km above the Earth's surface and will complete one orbit every 12 hours.
  11. Mr Moore might have to be sent into space as part of the new government's "Celebrities in Orbit" programme.
  12. Condescension disappeared on 4th October 1957 when the Russians launched their Sputnik 1 into earth orbit, and on 3rd November sent up Sputnik 2 with a dog in it.
  13. It may reach the sixth magnitude by December 10 and the fourth on about December 20 when it moves inside Mercury's orbit and passes the star Zeta Ophiuchi.

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