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Перевод: orchestrate speek orchestrate

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  1. During his nearly three years as effective day-to-day leader of the Cultural Revolution, Chen, along with Jiang Qing and Mao's security chief Kang Sheng, helped orchestrate campaigns of vilification and persecution against thousands of party cadres, including the then head of state Liu Shaoqi, who later died alone in a bank vault used as a cell.
  2. They took to the path with gusto, he finding the line somewhere between the nearside bank and the middle ridge, while the other more or less followed in the wake, content to orchestrate himself around the camera with his umbrella.
  3. The plan was put forward in Brussels last week in line with the mandate to orchestrate the aid effort given to the European Commission at a meeting of 24 Western nations in Paris in July.
  4. TUBULAR BELLE Carvin Quad X-Amp Guitar Preamp With an overdrive sound freshly sprung from hell, Carvin promise to orchestrate your nightmares
  5. The former is itself a fascinating tale that will surely be told in full elsewhere, of how interested parties helped to orchestrate the episode and stimulate financial investments in ways that have been widely criticised in the scientific community.
  6. They will require new knowledge and skills, and management developers must orchestrate the necessary acquisition.
  7. I must be careful here, for while the provision for community education in Scotland is generally more advanced at the level of local authority involvement than in the areas of the USA which I visited, and while organisations such as the Trades Unions, the WEA and others do much to orchestrate various adult education projects, there is nothing which approaches the "schools for problems" which Highlander provides.
  8. The deprivations and adjustment entailed by war taught British filmmakers how to orchestrate strong emotions.
  9. "When you are with the only woman - the only one you think there is for that moment - you must love her and know her body as you would think a great musician would orchestrate a divine theme.
  10. The point of Yeo Davis was now clear: they were there to inform, inspire, and orchestrate a client's efforts to get what he wanted, as efficiently as possible.
  11. What remains to be deter- mined, however, is how this messenger pathway interacts with maturation-promoting factor to orchestrate an orderly entry into mitosis.
  12. Its officials today orchestrate an annual plethora of money-spinning international tours of such proportions that it would be unreasonable for players fulfilling these official commitments at this level not to be compensated financially.
  13. Ceulemans is still in their attack and Van der Elst continues to orchestrate the midfield.

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