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Перевод: ordinal speek ordinal

порядковое числительное; молитвенник


  1. Power, for example, is an ordinal attribute in which we might want to talk about individuals having more or less power than others and to reflect this in using the power of numbers to reflect more or less of some attribute in the same way that a higher number score on a test signifies a greater ability to do the test than a lower number.
  2. In the first stage, letter-position preprocessing , each letter in a word is simply segregated from its background, and its ordinal position noted.
  3. Rating scales are a subset of questionnaires which invite informants to select a number corresponding to the extent of their response, or to select one of a series of descriptions, usually corresponding to an ordinal scale with a neutral midpoint, to which the investigator can easily assign numbers.
  4. Ordinal scales are used where it is possible to order cases in respect of the degree to which they exhibit a certain property or quality, even though it may not be possible to state precisely how much of that property they have.
  5. Errors resulting from natural variations or from ordinal measurements; and
  6. Secondly, ordinal similarity, a relation referring to the degree in which characters in two strings occur in the same order.
  7. There are also doubts about the validity of the linearisation of the ordinal scale which is implied in the diagrams.
  8. Stevens identified four types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
  9. The outcome is that the word has been encoded as a sequence of unanalysed visual blobs, each labelled with its ordinal position (first, second, third, etc.) in the sequence of blobs.
  10. Ordinal similarity is the one that many algorithms have employed, for example Soundex (Odell and Russell, 1918 and 1922).
  11. Substitution errors are positional, transpositions are material, and both insertions and omissions are ordinal.
  12. The narrowness of the path means that they must always play "follow the leader", and begin to learn something about position and ordinal number.
  13. The menu driven interface provides access to the following statistical modelling techniques: Cross-tabulation, nominal ordinal statistics, inter-raters and host of breakdown analysis techniques.

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