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Перевод: originator speek originator

автор ; создатель ; изобретатель ; инициатор


  1. Alexander Technique : requiring anything up to twenty sessions with a trained teacher, this technique (named after its originator F. M. Alexander) concentrates on the correct alignment of the body which, in turn, leads to the elimination of physical and mental stresses.
  2. His subsequent celebrity propelled the "Beatle Bass" to commercial success far beyond that of its originator, Gibson's EB-1.
  3. When the Americans were pressed to share knowledge of nuclear power with the Russians, they proposed the Baruch plan (so named after its originator), which called for a system of open inspection among the powers that joined in the plan, and was unacceptable to the Soviet government.
  4. The Christian communicator is never the primary source of the message in the sense that one is not the originator of that which one is seeking to convey.
  5. Derecognition, a word that is new to me and perhaps also to the English language, can be achieved only if the amount of benefit and risk retained by the seller (not always the originator as seems to have been assumed) is insignificant or immaterial (on a case by case basis).
  6. Common places for an idea to be dropped within complex organizations are with (1) the idea originator, (2) middle management, and (3) across organizational boundaries.
  7. The answer is thus: Stuart Watson, who is responsible for the D12, was also the originator and creative force behind the Trace Elliot range.
  8. It is the originator of the Danish Blue-and-White and is similar to France's Bleu du Nord.
  9. Top of the line demonstration team, who won all honours in a 1991 UK tour, L to R: Dan Tabor (the originator) Ron Reich (the outstanding individual performer) Pam Kirk and Michael Dennis.
  10. Event originator, Merseyside climber Chris Schiller, who took part himself, said: "The main problem for the climbers was lack of sleep.
  11. Motorola's current role is to open up the merchant market for PowerPCs, selling to those who won't buy from IBM, the chip's originator.
  12. Originator of the Friesian type.
  13. the originator

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