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Перевод: orthodox speek orthodox

ортодоксальный; правоверный; православный; общепринятый


  1. When Tikhon was placed under house arrest in June 1922, one of these movements, the Living Church, was given numerous concessions by the regime, and at first looked set to take over the role and some of the property of the Orthodox.
  2. He himself never used his pigments in other than a most orthodox manner.
  3. Modular catering cars retained an orthodox grill for that perennial favourite, the Great British Breakfast, which in 1987 accounted for 630,000 out of the total of 1.1 million main meals served.
  4. Although it has confidently been predicted by a number of high-ranking orthodox medical practitioners that any research in homoeopathy would rapidly discredit the whole subject, I have not found this to be the case.
  5. I pressed him for his view and he eventually gave it: "All very true and orthodox, Charlie, but completely lacking in power."
  6. Genesis is exhilarating and exuberant orthodox big-band music of a kind rarely played with such punch any more and the sharpness of the CD enhances the brash, headlong momentum of it - Tracey's orchestras always sound as if they are going to work with the elan of Saturday night at the Savoy ballroom.
  7. It may already be obvious, however, that even the results summarized in Fig. 4.7 do not require us to conclude that the mechanism responsible for latent inhibition is quite different from that responsible for orthodox associative interference effects.
  8. What was new was the diversity which people were finding by the end of the century: many of the greatest preachers remained "orthodox" including Spurgeon and his many protgs or Wesleyans like Dinsdale T. Young and F. Luke Wiseman.
  9. "Semitic hieroglyphs" found in Peruvian jungle city Orthodox archaeologists are sceptical about a claim that sounds like a Hollywood dream.
  10. Each imploring applicant wants to draw the line behind them: the Hungarians to exclude the Orthodox countries from a recreated Western Christendom, the Serbs to exclude Muslim Albania, the Turks to include all secular and modernising countries within the region.
  11. In the aftermath of the Orthodox Church leaders' summit in Istanbul last month, when the assembled patriarchs spoke - as much in sorrow as in anger - of the proselytism addressed at their flock by what was carefully described as "certain elements" in the Catholic Church, the mere presence of so benign a Catholic as Cardinal Hume in Moscow could well encourage local Catholics and Orthodox alike to reassess any confrontational attitudes to one another and to concentrate rather on their common ground, thus furthering mutual respect, concern and understanding.
  12. The rest, collectively categorised as "alternative medicine", "fringe medicine" and "natural therapeutics", have sometimes been ignored by orthodox Western medical practitioners, and sometimes derided.
  13. Much laboratory work carried out in other fields is found to be irrepeatable by other workers and many orthodox drug trials also produce conflicting results.

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