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Перевод: oscillator speek oscillator

осциллятор ; вибратор ; излучатель ; гетеродин


  1. The arrangement of counters allows a range of oscillator frequencies to be adopted.
  2. The counting then proceeds under the control of a built-in crystal-controlled oscillator until Q10 becomes 1, whereupon the oscillator is made to stop.
  3. A new concept of a cosmic oscillator, however, accords equal roles to both
  4. An exclusive-OR gate (IC1D) turns a simple cmos oscillator into an FSK generator.
  5. Figure 1 shows a practical ignition circuit with a built-in test oscillator R (formula provided).
  6. In this circuit (figure), the data input controls gate IC ID establishing positive or negative feedback around the oscillator formed by IC IA IC IB and IC IC .
  7. The driver section starts with an RC oscillator made from two 4011 gates wired as inverters.
  8. The massive oscillator combines most of the virtues of the black hole and the white-hole without their awkward features such as the space-time singularity and the event horizon.
  9. R1 and C set the oscillator's frequency range, and R2 determines the circuit's frequency shift.
  10. Also driving the phase detectors is the reference oscillator chain, which consists of a crystal oscillator with an external crystal resonating at up to 16.8MHz and a reference divider in two sections.
  11. You can make a simple, stable frequency-shift-keying (FSK) generator by adding an exclusive- OR gate to a standard cmos oscillator.
  12. This condition is satisfied even though the minimum size of the oscillator is quite small (Figure 4).
  13. When the input returns high, IC ID inverts, and R2 reduces C's charging current, thus lowering the oscillator's frequency.

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