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Перевод: ossification speek ossification



  1. Although both could be said to be reacting against the ossification of Stalinism, the subjectivist and ultra-objectivist paths that they followed were antithetical.
  2. There are real dangers, as ISS noted, of curriculum ossification.
  3. Work on skeletal ageing is still far from complete; most of the ossification periods and eruption times have been worked out on American and European samples, and may not apply exactly to other parts of the world's population.
  4. In particular, the rapid ossification of the Soviet hardline position in the East and the Cold War division which resulted from this meant that clear decisions had to be taken.
  5. The conditions producing weakness in this respect are highly complex but at a risk of oversimplification one might say that the balance of payments constraint reflects a relative "industrial ossification" of the British economy - a failure to restructure and reinvest on a sufficient scale to maintain the position of the national economy on the world market.
  6. (6) Dermal bone with cells, epicercal tail with modified scale cover (hinge line), paired pectoral fins, open endolymphatic duct, sclerotic ossification.
  7. A greater source of social frustration would appear to lie in the ossification of social mobility.
  8. It is formed directly from soft tissue (mesenchyme) and not by ossification of cartilage and it belongs to the rare class of bones known as membrane bones.
  9. Ossification begins apart from that of the main centre of ossification for the bone.
  10. option schemes prevent ossification of the curriculum and encourage innovation;
  11. It has always been assumed that the bony orbitosphenoid of amphisbaenians evolved from the flimsy cartilage of lizards by the straightforward ossification of cartilage - the process whereby nearly all bones are formed during the embryonic development of any animal.
  12. There was no appearance of ossification in the humeral head, though the cuboid was ossified "
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