o oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi ok ol om on oo op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz

Перевод: ours speek ours

наш; свой


  1. I know that though I've shown you the photograph you still want me to describe him to you, this Boy of ours.
  2. It's a fact that a dog's senses will deteriorate with age, but because their senses are generally much more acute than ours, we don't always recognise when one is slowly failing because the other senses adjust so well.
  3. Ours was the building of a railway.
  4. Since ch'i occupies the place in Chinese cosmology corresponding to matter in ours, Westerners took a long time to grasp how very different it is from what we understand by matter.
  5. Two putts and it was ours again.
  6. Apart from age, sex and family history, the other contributory factors are voluntary so the choice really is ours!
  7. SHE MAIL is a forum for your views, not ours.
  8. The German girl killed by a lion had been sleeping in a tent like ours.
  9. Both other spirits like ours, and God, are known "by their operations, or the ideas by them excited in us".
  10. The difference was compounded even further with the consideration that American pay-rates were two or three times ours.
  11. All pirate stations, such as ours, have to close at the end of December.
  12. The "all clear" blew, identical to ours.
  13. Ours went, I think, to 2, 5 and 7; the other floors might have been in another building, or another town.

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