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Перевод: outlay speek outlay

издержки ; расходы ; затраты ; трата денег; смета ;


  1. The tout has other costs to cover, too: these include not just his time, but also the capital cost of his initial outlay and the psychic cost of being a social outcast.
  2. This way the size of the kit increases gradually with no large cash outlay.
  3. Do make sure that you retain the right to sell soft drinks and refreshments, these are far easier to manage and provide a good ratio of profit to outlay.
  4. Attention has in the past been drawn to Attali's use of private planes and 280,000 outlay on office chairs, including over 100 white leather ones for the London top brass.
  5. The costs of children may be divided into direct costs - the outlay on the baby and mother around the time of birth, and indirect costs - the amounts foregone by mothers who take time out of paid employment, and who may return to work part-time and at lower rates of pay.
  6. So far we have considered our capital outlay on land purchase, land improvements, livestock, machinery, equipment, and buildings, and decided how this will be spread over the "build-up" years.
  7. Its shared outlay option involves the hotelier paying the installation cost and buying fuel but having he system run and maintained by Cogen, with a consequently much lower electricity charge.
  8. Donaldson described him as having "a slight figure, with a strong constitution (only once was he seen to wear an overcoat) frank and plain spoken, occasionally even to roughness no flatterer somewhat impulsive and gifted with great shrewdness and common sense he was a man of the highest integrity and independence, and so far from leading his clients into needless of extravagant outlay, he would demur at any expense beyond his employer's means
  9. Typically, the finished product will be worth 15 to 35 per cent more than the purchaser's outlay.
  10. It is now a matter of history that - notwithstanding an outlay of 150million at current prices on research and development and prototype trains - the technical potential of the train was never achieved and in 1983 the entire project was abandoned.
  11. It stands to reason, therefore, that outlay on buildings and equipment should be kept to the minimum required for the efficient production of healthy crops and livestock.
  12. Its zero outlay option is just that.
  13. For instance, dividing a large paddock into two or three smaller ones may involve outlay on fencing, but you will get better value from your land.

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