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Перевод: outpatient speek outpatient

амбулаторный больной


  1. Mr Reynolds is admitted directly from the surgical Outpatient Clinic where his General Practitioner referred him urgently because of his history of an alteration in bowel habit, rectal bleeding and constipation.
  2. Not only will travel for treatment be onerous (including post-operative outpatient care), but visits from older friends and family would also be more difficult.
  3. Peter is also given an appointment with the dietician for advice and an appointment at the Outpatient clinic to enable the medical staff to monitor his progress.
  4. A national standard will also be set for outpatient waiting times.
  5. With only about 20% of the city's beds, the Health and Hospitals Corporation in the early 1980s provided over half of all organised outpatient visits and 40% of all emergency care in the city.
  6. She suspects that she may get rather more exposure to outpatient clinics and theatre sessions than her medical colleagues because they get bogged down on the wards with tasks that she is not allowed to do.
  7. The benefits include a lump sum payment for accidental injury up to 50,000 for standard cover and 100,000 for premium cover; up to 25,000 standard and 50,000 premium for a fatal accident; 25 or 50 for each day's hospitalisation for up to a year, 250 or 500 towards specialist outpatient treatment after leaving hospital and up to 500,000 on both levels to cover against third party claims for injury or damage to their property.
  8. One of the great advantages of the clinic is that, unlike other outpatient departments, apart from the casualty department, no referral letter from a general practitioner is required.
  9. Contracts can cover charges for medical and surgical procedures (including diagnosis) given by or under the supervision of a registered medical or dental practitioner, to the insured as a private inpatient or outpatient of a hospital.
  10. In patients who do not need hospitalization, early intervention and easy access to the therapist can be provided using a flexible outpatient system, including direct telephone access.
  11. Then for several weeks, Michael was an outpatient.
  12. The outpatient fleet is dominated by non-turbo Renault Master diesel vans which have been converted to ambulance work by Customline and Devon Conversions.
  13. With the "relatively dense network of outpatient and day patient services which exist in the country", it is surprising that the radicalism of Italy has not been contagious.

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