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Перевод: outpouring speek outpouring

излияние; излияние чувств


  1. Others, including far too many feminist critics, concentrate on The Master, the unknown and possibly incorporeal subject of an outpouring of intense poems written in the early to mid-1860s.
  2. Joeleen Clinch's latest torrid outpouring:
  3. There followed an outpouring of letters from Caroline and her daughters telling of the behaviour and convalescence of "the most perfect Hero that ever breathed".
  4. His letters from Oxford in his third term, after gaining the Lincoln History Exhibition, are much shorter, less introspective, and full of details about his writing, his plans for the future, his increased reading but, above all, his growing friendship with MacAlister who felt that "his intimate outpouring to me was something of a comfort to him".
  5. God's love is outgoing, outpouring love.
  6. This is not to deny that Branagh is at his best as a performer in Henry's most anguished outpouring, his prayer to the god of battles before Agincourt; here Branagh the actor is least hampered by Branagh the self-publicist.
  7. And there was a new outpouring of rumours about Hitler's health: that he was ill, mad, blind, had suffered a nervous breakdown, or that as a result of mental illness he had been forced to hand over the leadership of the State to the military, and had been shot.
  8. I try now to remember what that outpouring of words was about, it must have been about something.
  9. The railway station became a focus for an outpouring of this feeling.
  10. But revivalism in architecture did not mean lack of imagination or inventiveness - quite the reverse: it meant a prodigal outpouring of both.
  11. He walked around for weeks wired to a police tape recorder, and spent hours admitting his past indiscretions to investigators in the US and UK in an outpouring probably not rivalled since Don Juan went into the confessional.
  12. Arabella Buckley was the first to recover from the shock of that strange outpouring.
  13. His elegiac tempo for the largo of the Cello Sonata allows him a sustained outpouring of feeling.

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