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Перевод: overshoot speek overshoot

промахнуться; стрелять лучше; превосходить; превышать; преувеличить


  1. Many pilots undershoot or overshoot their chosen spot by large margins.
  2. When you are quite certain you will overshoot, even with full airbrake, apply full airbrake and start the final approach, keeping straight.
  3. It is undesirable to finish the approach with very little airbrake, although even this situation, from the point of view of an accurate touch down, is better than full airbrake and too much speed causing the glider to overshoot the point.
  4. The airbrakes can then be reduced once it is clear that the glider will not overshoot with full airbrake.
  5. Experience shows that even after doing this, pilots tend to overshoot through being rather too high.
  6. However, too much height often leads to situations where even full airbrake cannot prevent a drastic overshoot.
  7. They are a sign of poor planning and of not thinking sufficiently far ahead, but they can be useful as an option, just as sideslipping is an extra skill which can prevent a serious overshoot and a broken glider.
  8. In heavy rain it should not overshoot the gutter.
  9. A full airbrake approach is a potential overshoot if the glider flies through any lift.
  10. Some even overshoot up to 4,000 feet!
  11. In most cases when it really matters, the glider will already be on the final approach with full airbrake when it becomes apparent that an overshoot is likely.
  12. It is often the only sensible way of getting rid of extra height quickly if you are still tending to overshoot with full airbrake.
  13. It is important to realise that if the glider stops just within the boundary, another few feet of height could have meant a serious overshoot and perhaps a damaged aircraft.

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