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Перевод: overtone speek overtone

обертон [муз.] ; нотка ; намек ; подтекст


  1. A word which has a positive or neutral connotation (overtone) in your own language may have a negative connotation or a double meaning in the new language.
  2. Artificial appearance thereby takes on a sexual overtone which Porter detects in the expression "making faces", meaning to have sex Keith Thomas observes that by the eighteenth century bodily control became a symbol of social hierarchy An elegant person would not pass wind audibly, or expose teeth while laughing.
  3. A waft of singing sounded from the church, like a great collective musical groan, with an overtone of keening - the final psalm.
  4. In one sense, admittedly, it has a disparaging overtone, implying something of a freewheeling character, adrift from his or her institutional or collegial obligations.
  5. The horticultural overtone is not unattractive; we "tend" the plants in the garden and the term to a gardener implies more than supplying their basic needs.
  6. The cucumber flavour of the leaves is similar to borage, but with a slightly nutty overtone.
  7. In juxtapositions such as large bony vine, clumsy black headstocks, dishevelled pink chrysanthemums, the associations of adjectives seem to interact, so that, for example, pink is given a tawdry overtone by its neighbour dishevelled.
  8. With this religious overtone in Northern Ireland, the belief in majority dominance has justified ignoring the rights of the catholic - nationalist minority within the Ulster statelet.
  9. And, once again, there was no doubt of the sexual overtone in Dottie Banks's words.
  10. The thing is this: when you play a note on any guitar, you create an overtone series, and those overtone series come about through the string vibrating in properly divided lengths.
  11. Measures to prevent infection have featured in the literature recently related to issues other than handwashing, e.g. in relation to bedmaking (Overtone, 1988); bed-bathing (Horton, 1988); changing urinary drainage bags (Blenkharn, 1988); giving enteral feeds (Hobbs, 1989); setting up intravenous infusions (Krakowska, 1986); and re-use of disposable equipment in the cause of cost-effectiveness (Baxter, 1987).
  12. There is even a sexual overtone in the use of hands and lips and in the dominance over fire and control of smoke.

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