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Перевод: oxygenated

окисленный; насыщенный кислородом


  1. A steady flow of oxygenated water can be maintained by an air stream in the uplift attached to a filter plate.
  2. This is filled with Hex-nodes, tiny clay tubes, and oxygenated by a venturi system attached to the pump which injects air into the compartment.
  3. "They fill it up continuously with layers of coke and iron - scrap-iron and pig-iron - and limestone, and fire it with oxygenated air.
  4. Chesapeake Bay blue crabs, among nature's hardiest creatures, have been observed dancing with death along the bottom; they hover just above the anoxic zone, dart down to forage along the bottom, then come up for "air" to the oxygenated mid-depths.
  5. In the highly oxygenated water below a weir swim the little fish not known for nothing as the "miller's thumb": the flattened head of the fish was often compared with the thumb of the miller, worn it was said from testing the flour.
  6. It is neatly shaped to lodge in close-packed vegetation, from which it can be in close contact with the fast-flowing oxygenated water it requires.
  7. These are also found in poorly oxygenated ponds, where they can survive by breathing air.
  8. Foam-breathing would have many uses, beginning with the use of oxygenated foam for instant well-being.
  9. It's positioned under the usual plates, (with flat plate uppermost) and the outflow from the tank hits the rotating bar, sending a spray of oxygenated water all over the media.
  10. In the course of their mission, which takes each through a death and rebirth (Harris is required to plunge to the bowels of the earth, breathing a kind of oxygenated foetal fluid), they learn to love each other again.
  11. But modern crocodiles possess the imperfect four-chambered heart in which freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs is separated from the used blood returning from the body.
  12. The male parent, having chased away the female, spent most of his time in the nest, swishing about to ensure a constant flow of oxygenated water over the eggs.
  13. What they need is highly oxygenated water, hence the need for good aeration, and surface agitation.

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